Seminars, workshops, and keynotes that inspire and create real change.

Leading with Heart
and a Sense for a
New Kind of Success

Leading with Heart
and a Sense for a
New Type of Success

Innovative approaches for leadership development and personal growth
Switzerland - Germany - Austria - South Tyrol

Impulse lectures for genuine growth and sustainable motivation.

Keynotes that move your heart

Keynotes that move your heart

Keynotes that move your heart

A presentation that inspires your company and moves it sustainably? That's exactly what our keynotes provide: Full of energy, with heart, and a genuine connection to your business’s everyday life.

Meaning: the key to professional fulfillment and motivation.

Finding the inner transformation towards ease.

From self-doubt to inner strength.

We address the topics that are truly important to you and initiate lasting impulses!

Hands-on instead of head in the clouds:

Practice workshops and seminars that are effective!

Our workshops and seminars are practical, lively, and challenging. We don't inundate with monotonous theory.

This is waiting for you and your team:

Bye, bye comfort zone - Hello new perspective!

From victim to creator: clear focus & vibrant vision.

Values as a compass: Unleashing potential, strengthening resilience!

We start where it really matters: in practice. Here work is done, experiences are made, and implemented!

Are you ready to get started?

Put all horsepower on the road

Leadership coaching and team building with horses

Leadership with heart from within without power, pressure, and threats.
Learn persuasive leadership strength and teamwork:

Inner sovereignty combined with calmness and strength.

Confidently and authentically convince.

500 kg of concentrated input for your team: authentic, clear, and powerful.

No prior experience with horses necessary.

3 Highlights for Your Growth

3 Highlights for Your Growth

Leichtigkeit statt Limitierung

Leichtigkeit statt Limitierung

Leichtigkeit statt Limitierung

Von Selbstkritik zur Superhelden-Persönlichkeit

Von Selbstkritik zur Superhelden-Persönlichkeit

Von Selbstkritik zur Superhelden-Persönlichkeit

Sinn macht den Unterschied

Sinn macht den Unterschied

Sinn macht den Unterschied

Founder Lenart Leadership Institute (LLI)

Kris Lenart

  • Internationally recognized Top 100 Speaker

  • Executive coach of top executives in over 25 countries

  • As an expert in logotherapy according to Viktor Frankl, he coaches executives from Fortune 500 companies as well as SMEs.

  • Practical and motivating lectures for sustainable success and mental strength

Fun Facts

Founder Lenart Leadership Institute (LLI)

Kris Lenart

  • Internationally recognized Top 100 Speaker

  • Executive coach of top executives in over 25 countries

  • As an expert in logotherapy according to Viktor Frankl, he coaches executives from Fortune 500 companies as well as SMEs.

  • Practical and motivating lectures for sustainable success and mental strength

Fun Facts

Founder Lenart Leadership Institute (LLI)

Kris Lenart

  • Internationally recognized Top 100 Speaker

  • Executive coach of top executives in over 25 countries

  • As an expert in logotherapy according to Viktor Frankl, he coaches executives from Fortune 500 companies as well as SMEs.

  • Practical and motivating lectures for sustainable success and mental strength

Fun Facts

Our partner

Stefanie Glechner

  • Over 10 years of experience in international companies

  • High intercultural competence: several years of professional experience in the United Kingdom, Germany, and the USA

  • Connects business know-how with meaning-centered consulting according to Viktor E. Frankl

  • Practical approaches for sustainable balance, meaning, appreciation, and mental resilience

Fun Facts

Our partner

Stefanie Glechner

  • Over 10 years of experience in international companies

  • High intercultural competence: several years of professional experience in the United Kingdom, Germany, and the USA

  • Connects business know-how with meaning-centered consulting according to Viktor E. Frankl

  • Practical approaches for sustainable balance, meaning, appreciation, and mental resilience

Fun Facts

Our partner

Stefanie Glechner

  • Over 10 years of experience in international companies

  • High intercultural competence: several years of professional experience in the United Kingdom, Germany, and the USA

  • Connects business know-how with meaning-centered consulting according to Viktor E. Frankl

  • Practical approaches for sustainable balance, meaning, appreciation, and mental resilience

Fun Facts

Global trust for leadership in good hands

Global trust for leadership in good hands

Abteilungsleiter Anlagen- und Werkzeugbau · Mahle Filtersysteme Austria GmbH

Martin Pikalo

Dr. phil. habil. Elisabeth Lukas

Elisabeth Lukas

Communication trainer and business coach, Zurich

Harry Holzheu

CEO, Passerinvest Group

Radim Passer

ehem. Hockey Weltmeister und Unternehmer

Michael v. Kunhardt

Abteilungsleiter Anlagen- und Werkzeugbau · Mahle Filtersysteme Austria GmbH

Martin Pikalo

Dr. phil. habil. Elisabeth Lukas

Elisabeth Lukas

Communication trainer and business coach, Zurich

Harry Holzheu

CEO, Passerinvest Group

Radim Passer

ehem. Hockey Weltmeister und Unternehmer

Michael v. Kunhardt

Abteilungsleiter Anlagen- und Werkzeugbau · Mahle Filtersysteme Austria GmbH

Martin Pikalo

Dr. phil. habil. Elisabeth Lukas

Elisabeth Lukas

Communication trainer and business coach, Zurich

Harry Holzheu

CEO, Passerinvest Group

Radim Passer

ehem. Hockey Weltmeister und Unternehmer

Michael v. Kunhardt

Contact us!

We look forward to meeting you.

Kris Lenart on WhatsApp: +43 699 171 472 40


Weiterbildung für Unternehmer, Führungskräfte und Mitarbeiter

Führen mit Herz und Sinn für eine neue Art des Erfolgs


Weiterbildung für Unternehmer, Führungskräfte und Mitarbeiter

Führen mit Herz und Sinn für eine neue Art des Erfolgs


Weiterbildung für Unternehmer, Führungskräfte und Mitarbeiter

Führen mit Herz und Sinn für eine neue Art des Erfolgs